Rule 233. Parties’ Order of Proceeding

      The parties shall proceed at all stages of the trial, including the selection of prospective jurors as specified in Rule 234, opening and closing statements, the offering of evidence, and the examination of witnesses, in the order in which they appear in the pleadings unless otherwise agreed by all parties or ordered by the court. In consolidated cases, third-party proceedings, and all other cases not otherwise provided for, the court shall designate the order.

Amended effective July 1, 1975.

Committee Comments

(Revised July 1, 1975)

      This is Rule 6.2 of the Uniform Rules for the Circuit Courts of Illinois.

      The phrase “as specified in Rule 234” was added in 1975 to reflect changes in the procedure for conduct of the voir dire examination of prospective jurors, effected at the same time by amendments to Rule 234.

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