Section 202.20-g Rulings at Disclosure Conferences.

The following procedures shall govern all disclosure conferences conducted by non-judicial personnel.

Prior to the conclusion of the conference, at the request of any party

(1) all resolutions shall be dictated into the record, and either the transcript shall be submitted to the court to be “so ordered,” or the court shall otherwise enter an order incorporating the resolutions reached;

(2) the parties shall prepare a writing setting forth the resolutions reached and submit the writing to the court for approval and signature by the justice presiding; or

(3) prior to the conclusion of the conference, the parties shall prepare an outline of the material terms of any resolution and shall thereafter agree upon and jointly submit to the court within one (1) business day of the conference a stipulated proposed order, memorializing the resolution of their discovery dispute. If the parties are unable to agree upon an appropriate form of proposed order, they shall so advise the court so that the court can direct an alternative course of action.

Historical Note

Added on Dec. 29. 2020, effective February 1, 2021