Section 202.24 Special Preferences.

(a) Applications. Any party claiming a preference under CPLR 3403 may apply to the court in the manner prescribed by that rule.

(b) Special Requirements in Personal Injury and Wrongful Death Action. A party seeking a preference pursuant to CPLR 3403(a)(3) in an action for damages for personal injuries or for causing death shall serve and file in support of the demand or application, whether in the note of issue or subsequent thereto, a copy of:

(1) the summons;

(2) the complaint, answer and bill of particulars, conforming to CPLR 3043 and 3044;

(3) each report required by this Part to be served by the parties relating to medical information;

(4) a statement that the venue of the action was properly laid; and

(5) all other papers material to the application.

(c) Counterclaims and Cross-Claims. A counterclaim or cross-claim which is not entitled to a preference shall not itself defeat the plaintiff’s right to a preference under this section.

(d) Result of Preference Being Granted. If a preference is granted, the case shall be placed ahead of all nonpreferred cases pending as of that date, unless the court otherwise orders.

Historical Note
Sec. filed Jan. 9, 1986 eff. Jan. 6, 1986.