Section 202.34 Pre-Marking of Exhibits

Counsel for the parties shall consult prior to trial and shall in good faith attempt to agree upon the exhibits that will be offered into evidence without objection. Unless otherwise directed by the court, prior to the commencement of the trial, each side shall mark its exhibits into evidence, subject to court approval, as to those to which no objection has been made. All exhibits not consented to shall be marked for identification only. If the trial exhibits are voluminous, counsel shall consult the clerk of the part for guidance. The court should rule upon the objections to the contested exhibits at the earliest possible time. Exhibits not previously demanded which are to be used solely for credibility or rebuttal need not be pre-marked.

Historical Note

Added on Dec. 29. 2020, effective February 1, 2021

Amended on June 13, 2022, effective effective July 1, 2022