Section 202.43 References of triable issues and proceedings to judicial hearing officers or referees.

(a) No application to refer an action or special proceeding to a judicial hearing officer or referee will be entertained unless a note of issue, where required, has been filed and the index number is set forth in the moving papers and the proposed order.

(b) The proposed order of reference shall be presented in duplicate, and a signed original order shall be delivered to the referee. If such order is not presented for signature within 20 days after the court directs a reference, the application shall be deemed abandoned.

(c) The proposed order of reference, and the actual order of reference, shall indicate whether the reference is one to hear and determine or to hear and report.

(d) Every order of reference which does not set forth a date certain for commencement of the trial or hearing shall contain the following provision:

and it is further ORDERED that if trial of the issue or action hereby referred is not begun within 60 days from the date of this order, or before such later date as the referee or judicial hearing officer may fix upon good cause shown, this order shall be cancelled and revoked, shall be remitted by the referee or judicial hearing officer to the court from which it was issued, and the matter hereby referred shall immediately be returned to the court for trial.

(e) The term “referee” in this section shall include, but not be limited to, commissioners of appraisal, and shall not include receivers or referees in incompetency proceedings or mortgage foreclosure proceedings.

Historical Note
Sec. filed Jan. 9, 1986 eff. Jan. 6, 1986.