Florida Rules of Juvenile Procedure

These rules shall govern the procedures in the juvenile division of the circuit court in the exercise of its jurisdiction under Florida law.

Part II of these rules governs the procedures for delinquency cases in the juvenile court. Part IV governs the procedures for families and children in need of services cases in the juvenile court. The Department of Juvenile Justice shall be referred to as the “department” in these parts.

Part III of these rules governs the procedures for dependency cases in the juvenile court. The Department of Children and Family Services shall be referred to as the “department” in that part.

These rules are intended to provide a just, speedy, and efficient determination of the procedures covered by them and shall be construed to secure simplicity in procedure and fairness in administration.

They shall be known as the Florida Rules of Juvenile Procedure and may be cited as Fla. R. Juv. P.

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